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You may want to add a link on your forum beside "Memberlist" and all of those links that takes the visitor back to the original website. Currently, there's no link that goes back to the main from, so you should add that in there.

Right now the only way to get from the forum to the main website is to edit the address in the url bar manually.
Thanks I just need members.
I will help you for free Focuz, message me on MSN.
I don't like the design , it's only two colors LOL , blue and white :S
Yea I want it to be very basic. Smile I don't want it to many colors look at Supportforums it's only green with a blackish gray.
(04-03-2011, 03:07 PM)ImFocuzz Wrote: [ -> ]Yea I want it to be very basic. Smile I don't want it to many colors look at Supportforums it's only green with a blackish gray.

But there's a specific design to it. I would agree that your site is a little plain though.
Yea I am looking into buying advertising space on HF or SF.
I'm liking the theme. It's clean and smart looking.
Not sure that the Graphics section should be where it is. It looks slightly out of place.
Best of luck with your forum anyway mate.
Thanks will be happy if you join Smile.
(04-03-2011, 05:35 PM)ImFocuzz Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks will be happy if you join Smile.

Perhaps when I'm not so busy, I will register & have a proper look at it. This month for me is an extremely busy one though, as it is the final month of my first year at Uni.
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