Ok So I am almost ready to launch my site as in advertise I am adding Favicon ATM so just tell me other stuff I need to work on check out forums to. I will be selling and giving software away on it Xzill.com. If you like it registering would help
I'm gonna go check it out now man! If it helps I will sign up and try and get some of my friends to sign up!
By the way early congratulations on almost hitting 100 posts!
That would help a lot
. I am going to be very active soon.
I really like your layout on that website! Its pretty attracting in a site!
You know I thought it was kind of funny looking up at my tabs and seeing it said Xzill.com, but thats because it was your title!
Lol yea Its a made up word that I thought would be a good company names we will be selling software soon almost all free but the Seo Marketing tools
I looked at it as a guest, and it looks pretty nice.
Think you could give me any software example names? That could be very interesting! Do you use HF?
Yea SeePlusPlus it is so far hope you join
. Yes I do I am distributing a Email List Generator Just have to pay coder. Also I will be having a Youtube Bot made that will advertise on youtube for you.