Lately there have been so much at school; essays, tests, presentations etc, and I am really starting to get tired of school. I get headaches, and stomach ache, because I really don't want to go. Idk the word in english, but when you can't wait for something, you get stomach ache, I get the same thing, just in a negative way with school... Any tips??
What grade level are you in?
Have you looked into home schooling? It might be a better experience for you. When I was younger I hated going to school too but that was partially because I attended more than one in my youth which wasn't a nice experience. If you're still young and your parents won't let you learn from home then you need to pinpoint exactly what it is that makes you feel like this.
Let's see if we can find the cause of the problem. Please answer the following questions:
Are you being bullied? - if you are, please seek help from your parents, friends or teachers. If this is the case, they will deal with the problem accordingly. Believe me, I was bullied when I was younger and my teachers made sure the matter was dealt with swiftly.
Do you socialise out of school hours? - if you stay at home all the time you may be addicted to surfing the net, playing games and interacting with people online; this isn't good and it is important that you get out for a few hours each night. Depending on where you're from, I recommend playing sports, going to the gym/exercising, or going to the cinema and so on. Going out will give you something to look forward to and will hopefully make you eager to accomplish your school work in a more efficient manner. If you have friends, try arrange a day out at the beach, theme park or somewhere that will get you away from home and set your mind at ease.
Do not think about school when you're at home. Finish your school work and have some fun but remember that school plays a very important part in your life and if you want the best chance in life, make the most of your school days as it's now make or break time.
School is something that everyone has to go through. You may not like it but you just have to deal with it.
Make sure you're well rested when you wake up. You're not the first person in the world that feels school's workload is heavy. You need to pace yourself. Organize yourself accordingly so that you don't leave all your work for last minute.
If you've already tried that, maybe school isn't for you. You're most likely one of those bodily kinesthetic people that can't sit still and need to be doing something all the time. If that's the case, let something you're passionate about take it's course. Take up a trade. If you're still in high school and depending on the legal age where you are from is, you might need to tough it out for a while longer before you can bail.
All in all, you're making it out to be worse than it really is.
Try taking some classes that you really enjoy. Depending on your grade and the school you attend, there are SO many departments generally available. I for one am heavily involved in my schools Music Department. I take instrumental music and guitar classes as a source to get a lot of my credits, and I also participate in Choir, Guitar Ensemble, Instrumental & Show band, a school rock band, etc.
It doesn't have to be music, or even art. What about computers? Dance? Drama? Creative Writing? There has to be something you're passionate about - try to incorporate it with your everyday school life if possible.
I'm not the biggest fan of our education system either, but there's no sense in worrying over something that you cannot change. We NEED to attend school, it's very important. Also, learning is good for you and can actually be FUN if you let it.
Oh, and ORGANIZATION IS KEY. You'll definitely feel less over-whelmed about your work-load or life in general if you remain organized. It will probably help with those headaches too.
Good Luck!
Just think of the benefits school will provide you with in the long-run and you can start to appreciate what it does for you in life. School will be much easier if you try to give a positive attitude towards it, trust me.