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I want to die on a beach in Spain sitting outside my £1,000,000 villa with a cigar in one hand, and a Jack Daniels in the other.

Im using that!

Sounds like a good way to die!
I'd like to die at the age of at least 80, maybe that'll be enough time for me to accomplish what I want/need to do. By then, I'd already be a doctor, with an MD and at least one PhD (Psychology). I dream of becoming a doctor and help my little town here in the Philippines as my dad and grandfather did. As for having a PhD in Psychology, that's just a fascination.

I'd like to go like my grandfather did, quick and painless. His heart stopped while he was sleeping, it was bittersweet, knowing that he did not suffer any pain before he died. The whole town of Calauan was right behind our family when we were walking to his final burial spot in the local cemetery. I'd like to go like that; I love my home town so much.

As for grandchildren, I'm not sure if I'd have any. Having kids never even crossed my mind. I dunno. The possibility for me to be an FSC (Christian Brother) or even a Priest looks a tad bit likely.
When: Like 30-50s when I'm getting the highest peak of my life so my death will be popular.

How: A silent heart attack while sitting silently and deeply thinking.
I want do die listening to music, and happy.
That's all I ask for, it's what means to me the most.
I do not want to die in my sleep, but I don't want to die in an "ugly" way such as getting hit by a car. With my luck I'll die by falling off a roller coaster or something.
I wanna die happy , and painlessly. That is.
I want to die in a crack house sitting on a dirty mattress with a needle hanging out of my arm.
(03-26-2011, 10:50 AM)iMario Wrote: [ -> ]I want to die while I get my dick sucked. But really, why are you thinking about your death?

Ha, I'd be concerned about the girl! Poor girl, you'd do your thing and then just die right after. Like a honey bee.

I want to die by being sucked into a blackhole. That would be awesome. I like physics and astronomy, so for me that would be the way to go.
I'd prefer to be frozen (not sure if you'd consider that being dead). So I can't really answer the question.
In a high-speed police pursuit on a highway after a bank robbery and a shootout. I wanna go out in style.
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