I personally think they are the crappiest ways to make money online. I'd have a better chance convincing people to donate to me than to make money using those.
Seriously, what rational person would fill out an offer to download a file or view content? It yells scam, low quality, or crap.
So, post your experiences.
I do like sharecash because I don't make a lot of money online so the money I get from them helps. I think I have only made $30 in 2-3 months lol but with some new techniques I have seen recently, I'm hoping to be getting at least $100+ a month
Personally I feel the exact same way as you do Laugh. Then again, when you take into the account that the most people you encounter using sharecash are young teenagers, $30 a month seems like quite a lot of money to them.
I am a young teenager and $30 a month is not a lot to me lol
Wow, $30 isnt that much i usly blow that on fags within like 2 weeks... I havnt used CPAlead yet but have used sharecash which just failed, Im currently working on Autobloggin...
I click 200 adds , and not paid never :S
In my opinion, sharecash just fails. No one wants to download links from sharecash anymore. CPA Lead is a little better.
How much $ you earn if one person download your file from sharecash ?
LoL, they are a lot of dumb people on this earth so they will do survey don't worry. I did more then 1000$ with ShareCash in less then 3 month!
Well not true at all, I have earned 250 dollars with CPAlead and about 20 dollars with Sharecash, If you advertise alot and your niche is unique it will go on Autopilot.