Okay that's what I was thinking, I just didn't want to look stupid. But yeah, if you consider it writing, then it's writing. Even keeping a daily journal or diary is writing on some level :]
Hi there Bunneh.
Remember me?
You do right? ( i _ i )
I am struggling with like, five different stories right now.
Sci-Fi, Sci-horror (sorta), Pseudo-Fantasy, (I'll explain if you want...)
Fantasy-ish, and a story about a fighter pilot in a world I made from scratch.
I put tons of work into setting and characters, and I get greedy and this is what happens.
Doesn't help that Pokemon is getting in the way of my quiet time lately.
@Locke I REMEMBER YOUU! How could I not
Can you explain what pseudo-fantasy is? :3
(03-18-2011, 09:36 PM)iceybunneh Wrote: [ -> ]@Locke I REMEMBER YOUU! How could I not
Can you explain what pseudo-fantasy is? :3
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Well, I'm not sure if that's the right term for it.
The story takes place in what would be the equivalent of 14-15th century Europe.
There are fantasy-like elements, but they are explained rationally.
Like a character I named Bytor (reference to an old Rush song, By-tor and the Snow Dog)
He is an eight-foot monster from far East.
People claim he rides a metal horse that spews fire.
But really, he has giantism, and does not speak the common language.
His horse is a BADASS motorcycle built by the advanced engineers of a certain country. And it has tank-treads.
Lol that can still fall into fantasy. Or, I think there's subgenres of fantasy but the only one I can think of is urban fantasy, where it's things like magic or other fantasy elements taking place in the modern day life, in modern day settings.
Also, I want a badass motorcycle xD
I write forum posts, codes (programming), reviews, and music
You never said we had to stay in the boundaries of pen/pencil/keyboard writing.
Duuude, we should make a RP thread O.O
(03-18-2011, 11:21 PM)Infinity Wrote: [ -> ]I write forum posts, codes (programming), reviews, and music You never said we had to stay in the boundaries of pen/pencil/keyboard writing.
Hehe, that's true there's no limit for what you can write. Impressive, btw. What do you usually do? :]
(03-18-2011, 11:24 PM)Mous Wrote: [ -> ]Duuude, we should make a RP thread O.O
Holycrap, I haven't done a role play thread in so long... o.o;
I used to think Haiku were fun. I'm more into making and listening to music than writing now, though.
And hell yes to the RP thread! }