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Squaresoft R.I.P (Not Square-enix) and Bethesda
Squaresoft was great, I've been a fan of them ever since they came out with the most widely known FFVII for PS1. One of the greatest games that ever came out for PSX.
In order of importance.
Square Enix/Bethesda/Blizzard/InfinityWard/
Square Enix : All the awesome RPG games they have made :}!
Bethesda : Again, Love their RPG games.
Blizzard : For the Starcraft Franchise.
InfinityWard : For the MW titles.
Infinity Ward, Bungie, Bethesda.
[No specific order]
Infinity Ward/Bungie/Square Enix. I'd have to say my favorite of them all is Bungie, just because of Halo: Reach.
2K games is mine, they did my favourite game: Bioshock.
Infinity Ward / Activision / EA
Bethesda or Bungie are my favorites.
In my opinion K2Network is one of the best.
I would say EA Games and SquareEnix
These two are the best for me
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