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[Image: gomezpeer-snap.jpg]
It's a little programm that pays you just to run it on your computer the time hes on.
Register here:
Fill in your information.
You shouldn't use fake info.
It will take sometime until a account gets approved. Then you'll get paid monthly from the time your account gets active and you make at least $5 a month. If don't the pending balance will be added to the next month. When you're registered you can download the program and install it on your computer(s). Remember, the more computers you install it on, the more money you'll make. The monthly maximal is limited to $45 Sad
Remember to add the program to your computers startup folder, so it starts every time you start your computer.
Payout via Paypal.
I've heard that Gomez does not always pay you (keep in mind that I did not say they do not pay you at ALL, just that they do not always pay you).
But everyone I have asked told me that they pay.
Anyway, you may be right.
Cool, might try!
It allows you to open multiple clients on the same computer. I didn't write the article, nor did I upload the crack, but I did download it and use it, and it works perfect. Currently running 20 clients and it's not doing any memory or internet connection damage.
Dave1005, in future, please do not post cracks or anything related.
I found something interesting online. You decide if it's true or not.

@Skill Ok. Sorry. I wasn't aware. I'll be sure not to. Thanks for the notice.
It's not a problem.

You got off lightly with me, as you know it was Omniscient that warned you.
Firstly, it's quite hard to actually get accepted for the Gomez peer program. Secondly, if you just have 20 clients running with no cover-up what so ever, they just won't pay you. It's good for them not to ban you, you're doing extra work for them, just for free.
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