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Full Version: Can't get past Windows 7 loading screen, Please help!
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My computers keeps restarting and giving me blue screen with the error code Stop: 0x0000000A, and I can't get into safe mode either.
If you don't have any files you need to save then I would reformat the hard drive and reinstall Windows. If that doesn't work then you probably have hardware failure.
That error code is usually an indication of incompatible or corrupt/faulty hardware or software as Nemmyy had said.
Can you access the BIOS?
google that code, it shodl tell you the error
If you can't find information about the BSoD code, then I would recommend you to do what Nemmyy said. Reinstall Windows 7.
(03-14-2011, 11:04 AM)aggouras Wrote: [ -> ]If you can't find information about the BSoD code, then I would recommend you to do what Nemmyy said. Reinstall Windows 7.

There's lots of information on that code. All he can do is problem solve, and if all else fails then the system might need a system recovery.
Have you overclocked any of the components of your system recently? Try resetting your BIOS to default settings or uninstall any programs that might change hardware configurations such as nvidia nTune. I've known people who have used programs such as nTune and their computer got the BSOD whenever the program was ran.

If it's not hardware related a fresh install of Windows is the most surefire way to fix the problem.