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Bearded Dragon.


i have a pet iguana and his name is Jake, he's huge and fun to be around =D

My favorite animal is the Sloth because all they do is sleep all day, and i <3 sleeping
i like tigers they are pretty sweet
I think that red pandas are adorable.
I have a cat, his name is Billy. I got him when he was just a small kitten. Love him to death. Cats > All
I like dogs, ferrets(never had one but wish) and finally..

Turtles, they are my favorite. I miss mine so much, anything to have him back Sad
I always wanted a baby Panda :S
I like Lizards, i bought my first Lizard when i was 7 and i still have him. Smile
I used to prefer cats but now I think I like dogs more. They seem to have such a playful, loving spirit about them. I know that cats can be just as playful and loving but dogs seem more innocent and goofy. They make me laugh.
My favorite animal would have to be dogs. Big Grin
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