I was wondering if my pc can play l4d or l4d2 i am not completely sure if this is the right forum or not if not feel free to move it mods.
pc specs:
OS: Windows 7
Ram: 4gb
hd: 250gb
video card: intel® HD graphics
cpu: i3 2.4ghz
I would guess you could run it, but definitely not on the highest graphics setting.
(03-03-2011, 04:26 PM)iMaяᵼọ999 Wrote: [ -> ]Yes it can. Also, try this website http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/ it tells you if your PC can run any game.
awesome, and that site never worked for me it said i couldn't run oblivion when i could.
(03-03-2011, 04:31 PM)Psychosis Wrote: [ -> ]awesome, and that site never worked for me it said i couldn't run oblivion when i could.
Ok but it still give you an idea.
(03-03-2011, 04:26 PM)iMaяᵼọ999 Wrote: [ -> ]Yes it can. Also, try this website http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/ it tells you if your PC can run any game.
No he definately can't play every game with those specs although he can play most.
You should be able to play l4d and l4d2.
As the others have said, you will be able to play it, but it won't be the best quality.
Expect some pretty bad FPS, unless you tone down the video settings, and have very few background processes running.
(03-03-2011, 05:54 PM)Repuhlsive Wrote: [ -> ]As the others have said, you will be able to play it, but it won't be the best quality.
Expect some pretty bad FPS, unless you tone down the video settings, and have very few background processes running.
how bad fps like ultra mega lag fps or not to bad, and how much tone down? I'm debating on buying these or flashing my 360.
(03-03-2011, 06:06 PM)Psychosis Wrote: [ -> ]how bad fps like ultra mega lag fps or not to bad, and how much tone down? I'm debating on buying these or flashing my 360.
Probably not mega lag, but it won't be very good.
I'd predict maybe 20-30 fps most of the time.