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Mine was 14, lol I suck like hell
103 with no hacks. But, of course. I died a couple of times.
MW2 was 49 legit. FagOps is like 26 ithink?
I just reached my new kill streak in black ops. 35 ( gayMas a.k.a Famas ) Smile
Think I did a flawless 53 kill game once.. Thats the best I've gotten so far.
In Mw2: 57 (0 Deaths), 128 (4 Deaths)

In BlackOps: 29 (0 deaths), 42 (3 Deaths)

I have goten 26 in call of duty black ops.I suck lol but i do love even getting a 5 kill streak in cod.
On COD Black Ops I got 23 kills. Lol, I know im not that good at COD games Tongue
My highest kill streak was 37 but they werent playing haha.
MW2 = 26
Halo 2 = something around 70 kills
Halo 3 = 40+ (Matchmaking)
Black Ops = Like 15 maybe.

Im semi player, not pro but not noob i think. Smile
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