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on mw2 i got a 45 kill streak it was nice and with a nuke everyone was like ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
1000000000000 Smile hacked i know Smile
Cod4 is 31 kills, it isn't much, but I am impressed.
Modern Warfare 2 = 54 Kill Streak
Black Ops = played it only few times but highest KS was about 20 maybe 23.
My highest is now 11 on MW2

I'm not very good lol.
My highest is 10. No lie. I'm not the best at COD :3
My highest killstreak was like 15 in Black Ops. I'm not that good of a gamer actually.
My highest was 4, I don't play the game at all other then at my friends house.
(04-02-2011, 07:56 PM)A N D R E W Wrote: [ -> ]on mw2 i got a 45 kill streak it was nice and with a nuke everyone was like ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Wow I just saw this post, 45 kill streak is amazing!! Roflmao
Mine is 37-40 ,pretty easy when u play with noobs lol
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