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As the title says, how good do you consider yourself in FPS games such as Call of Duty, Halo, Coutner Strike, etc?

By "good" I mean skillful. Be honest about it and give a rating of between 1 and 10 if you feel you can.

I'd say I'm about a 7 or 8 in most FPS games, but with Battlefield: Bad Company 2 being the expection with a skill rating of 9 Smile

How about you guys?
I think I am medium... Because sometimes I freakin Sucks and Sometimes I Own Every Single Human On The Planet!
I give myself a 6-7 sometimes i can't get a kill and on other days i am the best player in the game. Depends day to day and server to server i think
I'm usually really good, but never good enough to stand out.
I own in them all.
First started of with Halo Combat Evolved, I was one of the best.
Now in Black Ops I always come in the top 3.
I'd say i'm about a 9/10 in Fist person shooter gamers. I Love to shoot stuff in games lol.
I was really good at Halo 1, 2 and 3, especially 3 though, for proof, look up my username on bungie.
I'm pretty decent at FPS games.

I've played a large variety of them from the Call of Duty series, Halo series, to the Counter-Strike series.

Overall, I would have to rate myself a 7 or 8.
(02-27-2011, 11:24 AM)Swat Runs Train Wrote: [ -> ]I was really good at Halo 1, 2 and 3, especially 3 though, for proof, look up my username on bungie.
Why didn't we ever play Halo 3 together? Unsure
Halo : Well, I haven't played it for around 18 months. I used to consider myself quite good, I'll give myself a rating of 6. Some of my tactics/moves were rather original.

Call of Duty MW2/BO : I only played these titles on the PC. That's for one main reason. The crowd are a lot more mature and you can actually have a good game without some child raging at you because you've beaten them. I'm usually finishing in the top 1-3 of my team, but I'm more of a solo-er. Run around with a silence weapon, and wreak havoc. I'll give myself about a 7 on that.

Counter Strike : Source : Honestly, I'm nowhere near as good as the above games on this one. I usually rage quit any serious games because I really am that bad. I do love the game though, that's for the modded game types/maps. I absolutely love turbo gun games. In fact I love any kind of gun game. I'll give myself about a 4.
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