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Okay, so I decided to enroll myself in Java, but I'm having trouble with jdk1.7.0. I know there are easier and more graphical development kits, but I want to learn to use this one before I move on to a graphical one.

The problem I have is with setting up the PATH and the CLASSPATH... I am no wiz when it comes to DOS, but I thought I had setup the thing correctly... till my DOS told me it didn't recognize javac as a command.
I think I might of wrongly configured the CLASSPATH cause the PATH looked like it was working when I paused the AUTOEXEC.BAT.

Please, I wanted to dive into Java, but I'm stuck... if I can't compile I can't even play around while I fix the problem...
Never mind, I figured it out on my own, but for all those who have encountered this problem
don't forget to add %PATH% at the end of the path you set.
You should use an IDE (Integrated Development Environment or something like that) the most used are Eclipse and NetBeans, I personally use NetBeans with a simple click you can create a new project and with another simple click you can run the code and see the result in NetBeans too they are free and no problems for downloading it. Take a look to that programs. It's 1000 times easier.
I have to agree with Eustaquio. Plus, when setting up Netbeans, it'll set up the JDK and all other dependencies for you. Just make sure you download the correct version.