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Full Version: Something Sad
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I still hear your fleeting hope,
The draw of your passion,
Praying to my soul,
Stealing my thoughts.

I pray that one day I will understand them,
That I will know their needs,
To help the helpless dreams,
For now I need you here.

I can no longer here their voices,
I know not what I shall see,
I can no longer understand...
Because those screams came from me.

I wish you were still here,
To explain this lonely path,
I wish that I could hear you,
Oh, how lonely it is to die last.
This poem has an atmosphere of isolation. It is sad indeed. Did it feel soothing to write it, however?
I was trying to force something out... but it felt relieving to write.
Like recognizing a sad emotion in myself. =/
(02-10-2011, 04:12 AM)Mister Wrote: [ -> ]I was trying to force something out... but it felt relieving to write.
Like recognizing a sad emotion in myself. =/

That is a good description. To represent an emotion you do have to get in touch with it.