As the subject says my dog will not quit biting at herself. She is losing hair because of this and I do not know what to do. I do not have the money to take her to a vet. To me it seems like an allergy, but I have given her medicine/benagryl for dogs and it cleared a little, however it is still bothering her.
So my question is does anyone know of a way, medicine, home remedy that I can get her to stop.
She is an Australian Shepard/ Border collie -mix
Remember I am not able to take her to vet so don't say that.
(02-07-2011, 06:58 PM)RealNavineous Wrote: [ -> ]This sounds pretty bad. Take her to the vet?
Oh God damn what I need to do is take
You to a doctor and get your
Damn eye's checked!
Please for those who can
Read and offer what I asked -answer.
It could be fleas, mange or other things. You should have her checked, it must suck to be itching all the time.
(02-07-2011, 09:53 PM)Deltron Wrote: [ -> ]Don't be a fuckiñg idiot and Google it.
No need to be rude. Did you like my answer?
Yes I did like your answer. Nice video I now have an instructional video on how to use Google.
I love how you call me a fuckiñg idiot. /rude
Also I have checked for fleas and I do not believe it is mange. Thank you for your reply though.
She only bites in two places that's why I do not think it is Mange B/c it would spread all over her.
It looks almost like dry skin I know some dogs have this problem, but after an oatmeal bath it clears up. I made the thread for suggestions such as this. With the thought that someone would know of a
remedy such as this that would help. However it was useless to even ask here!
My first guess is that it's fleas.