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Full Version: How to REP posts.... ???
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Just wondering how to give someone rep for hisr/her post...
I've seen it on Infinity's reputation page, that he has one given from posts..

Is that staff only or did I miss something...

If it was already posted, then the search engine su**s ba**s.
I believe Omni said it wasn't going to be added but he may have forgotten to remove the button, because I asked him about it and he didn't understand why I was saying that I got a rep for one of my posts from DAMINK
Alright, thanks Infinity....
Close Pls...
(02-06-2011, 05:53 PM)Gaijin Wrote: [ -> ]Alright, thanks Infinity....
Close Pls...

No problem Smile This is in the OSHIT area so it shouldn't be a big problem if it gets closed or not, post count doesn't add up in here so it allows for activity and discussion I suppose. At one point in time though I did see a "Rep" button beside the rest of the contact buttons below each post. It used to be beside "PM" I think, so it must have been removed recently
Yeah, I know that Posts don't count here, it was habit. Tongue

I guess that was it, Omni removed it and it was left in the database as a post rep...
Anyway I thought it was c0ol to rep peoples posts... and that I can't find the button Big Grin

btw: thx ;)