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Full Version: Omni, please express your opinion on this.
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Hello Omni.

I was wondering if you'd like to make a section for PC Mods, customizations ect ect..

I for one would like to post images of my project that i'm getting the stuff to do.

Also, could we have a section where we can ask for drivers and such like.


Much <3

I think a child board of Window's Mods (For themes, etc.) would be a good idea. I think the section asking for drivers would be better off just staying in the correct OS section.
I was on about pc mods, neons, fans, custom cases ect ect. Smile But thank you for your input.
Yea i agree mate. Show pic tuts on how to do this and that perhaps.
Drivers would be in their respective OS forums like Win7.

As for PC mods. We have a hardware section for that.
Ok, thanks for clearing that up for me, could you close this now please.