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Before you insult a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you insult him, you'll be a mile away, and have his shoes.

>.> Where did that come from
@echo off
color 2
title Hangman by FireTech
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
echo Main Menu
echo To Play A Game, Press 1
echo To Add new Words, Press 2
echo To exit, Press 3
echo To credits, press 4
set /p menu=
if not defined menu goto menu
if /i %menu% equ 1 (
set menu=
goto Startgame
if /i %menu% equ 2 (
set menu=
goto addwords
if /i %menu% equ 4 (
set menu=
goto credits
if /i %menu% equ 3 (
set menu=
set finishing=1
goto :EOF
set menu=
goto menu

Game I'm working on Smile
How are you doing today? Looking good in your pics. Smile
<---- That was my CTRL+V [Nothing]
Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to
Harvey'are gorgeous boys, loved by all, great company and support for their mummies. lots fo friends. boistrious, strong and independant.
Harvey Moon and Harvey wallbanger!
Cause my yoke is easy and my burden is kind

Encrypted biometric data of my fingerprint.. Using for a fingerprint login system I'm coding
Hi my name is Joey