I have a Maxtor that is clicking and when it clicks it will not open any new programes or access any docks
I have it set on Cable Enabled but it is the only harddrive on hte system
Do I need a new HD or is there something I can do to fix it?
I've seen the blue dos screen twice with a warning
Please advise
Yeah, getting a new Hard drive would be a good idea. Hard drives aren't suppose to click
hey beansofham
I might have spelling flaws atm as im falling asleep, so im sorry for that ;)
The clicking sound from the HD means most of the time that the reader its a little thing just like a record player is skipping over.
Witch means the HD is almost totally broken down.
So yes plz get a new hd as soon as possible and get all the data off it for example use a trail version of acunex if i spelled correct too backup all the data of your HD too a external HD so you do not lose anything if it eventually totally crashes and you have too pay a ton of cash too get your data back.
wish you the best of luck
with regards nullsession
Yeah, I was afraid of that.
Thanks for the help.
np if ya have problems getting the backup software give me a shout ill fix a version for you
Back all of your files up and get a new hardrive that cant be good if you hard drive is clicking and you have seen the blue screen of death twice.
I've dealt with this. For me, it meant hard drive failure. Good thing I backed everything up. Like everyone else is suggesting, get a new HDD, that clicking noise is nothing but a nut job for your computer.
By the way, make sure your computer is leveled and not sitting in a tilted position.
The cause may be damaged MHA (heads) which is very hard to replace. Best bet is to buy a new one if you're not experienced.
Had many a hard drive die and yes the clicking noise is always an indicator of things to come.
Dont think that turning it off will help either. I have found often that is when they wont start again. Seize up when they cool down or whatever.
Backup asap and throw that drive in the bin.
I'd say it's on it's way out too, just backup your files to dvd-r or better still another hdd, and go and buy yourself a new one.
click click click.. bad clusters , the spindle is bad , something mechanical is bad , could be a number of things.. but no matter what.. that click click is not good news...