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Hi All,

In free time I tend to create websites on different topics. I recently went onto fansites for games.

In this new site, I am putting in a radio. I need a radio that will not reload while browsing the forum, so putting the radio player code in the header or footer would be a bad idea.

I came up with a new idea. Remember when you open up a chat window of a company? When you click the link, The chat will open in a new window, at the defined size to the chat script.

Does anyone know what code I need to make a page load in a certain size new window when the link is clicked?

Thanks for any assistance,

MyBB's Buddy List does that.

I'm sure you could nick the coding for it, and implement it for your radio.


<a href="#" onclick="MyBB.popupWindow('{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/misc.php?action=buddypopup', 'buddyList', 350, 350);">{$lang->welcome_open_buddy_list}</a>

I assume this is what you are looking for. I'm sure it is easy to adapt.


<a href="#" onclick="MyBB.popupWindow('URL OF RADIO', 350, 350);"><img src="RADIO BUTTON URL" /></a>
Thank you, That helped alot, and it worked. The fact you made an edit and simply told me what to change was very handy. Thanks once again.
No problem. Good luck with your forum.

see this i hope u get more info