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Full Version: need help picking modem/router
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Hey all.

We've been having some internet problems for a while. We've had Charter come over and check it out several times, and all they do is replace the modem/router over and over, and each one has been slower than the last.
I was getting about ~2400 KB/s download speed before we had the stuff replaced, now we barely get 250 KB/s. We had it replaced because it kept dropping connections all the time and crashing.

So, I've decided I want to just get my own, but I really don't know what to get, since I have almost no experience with this type of stuff.

This is the router I'm looking at getting:

and this is the modem I'm looking at:

I have no clue if they will work together, or how to set them up together really.
So... will they work together? Any problems with this combo? Am I missing anything? Do you suggest something else?
I prefer linksys, but I picked the D-Link modem since it was the one with the best rating (I think..)

Oh and also, I do a lot of gaming, so speed is important. And we have a total of 4 people using the internet here. Hope that helps.
Also, sorry if some of that didn't make sense, and sorry for any typoes, its 7 am and I haven't slept yet. Insomnia ftw? ;_;