I came from HF as well. I enjoy the topics and maturity level of this website in comparison to HF, but the lower amount of users causes me to visit here less. Although I'm beginning to enjoy this site even more.
Wow.. all of us from HF ? hehe
Most of people came here for the award...
Yep I came from hackforums, like someone above me said there is alot more of maturity here. However I have been firewalled so I can access HF at the moment

(02-06-2011, 02:41 PM)flAmingw0rm Wrote: [ -> ]Most of people came here for the award...
True I suppose however by the time people reach their hundredth post they most probably start to enjoy SF and therefore stay and continue to post here.
(02-06-2011, 02:52 PM)h-boy Wrote: [ -> ]Yep I came from hackforums, like someone above me said there is alot more of maturity here. However I have been firewalled so I can access HF at the moment 
True I suppose however by the time people reach their hundredth post they most probably start to enjoy SF and therefore stay and continue to post here.
That's extremely true, most people do come here but they mature as they post every high quality post.
I am also from HackForums I am not very active on here though that might change.