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Well learning HTML & CSS are to hard for me, Tongue and decided to do something easier, but the problem is I have a problem choosing one. As should I choose Elements or Blueprints, or your suggestions or opinions on this.

And for PHP same thing again, to hard for me so I can't decide one what is easy being this is my first language I'm gonna focus on. Should I choose something like CakePHP or should I do something like Yii or Zend

Note I only want the easiest of the opinions because I mean it's just for now until I learn something else. Please help out and say your opinion or recommendations!
Have you tried learning CSS or PHP from books? I'd recommend the "Head First" series from O'Reilly if you need something easy and interesting (each book follows a cheesy story or two).
It depends on what you want to do with CSS or PHP in website development first.
Well I wanna learn CSS to make a simple portfolio website for myself and call it my own, PHP to do server related things in general.
Read the php manual. Best resource by far. If you need a framework, use CakePHP. If you need a portfolio site, or are good options.