I am currently driving a 5-speed 1992 Lexus ES300 (Yeah I know the 5-speeds are rare =P) and it can get to very low RPMs before stalling. So my question is, I know that it is way more fuel efficient to keep the RPMs low but is it good for the engine to be low all the time? I am talking at about 700RPMs by the way. Discuss.
I'm not exactly sure, I'll do some research for you, and reply if I can be of assistance.
Although I do know keeping it too too low can cause Damage to the engine; I'm quite sure my Uncle did something like this.
Low RPM can't hurt your car, it's high RPMs that can, especially if driven by an amateur
(01-13-2011, 09:37 AM)Swat Runs Train Wrote: [ -> ]Low RPM can't hurt your car, it's high RPMs that can, especially if driven by an amateur
He is right, Don't red line the crap out of it and 700 rpms? are you grandma? Keep it under 4k and youll have good gas mileage.
yeah, low rpm's are fine for the car
wow cant imagine how slow you drive at 700RPMS lol. but seriously its not bad for it or anything
(02-02-2011, 12:39 PM)Packers Wrote: [ -> ]wow cant imagine how slow you drive at 700RPMS lol. but seriously its not bad for it or anything
yeah, thats what i was thinking
It's not that I was driving slow, it's just that in a neighborhood or something I shift into 5th gear >.> Not like I was on the highway or something at 700rpms lol
(02-12-2011, 01:53 PM)|Z3R0| Wrote: [ -> ]It's not that I was driving slow, it's just that in a neighborhood or something I shift into 5th gear >.> Not like I was on the highway or something at 700rpms lol
Most cars idle higher than 700rpms lol. Your car better last forever shifting at 700 lol.
This varies depending on the speed you want to accelerate. A good rule is: Do not make it past the red line as indicated on the tachometer. If you drive slowly, you can shift at low rpm, if you race, you may want to approach redline.