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Haha, just a fun topic, which do you prefer and why?

I would have to say I like cats more because they are more independent than dogs and can clean themselves, also they are much more better to pet, to me anyway.
I prefer dogs because there are more of companions than cats.
You can't play with your cat in the park :/
In my opinion you can much more fun with a dog, you can even swim with them but that's my opinion Smile
I love dogs and cats<3 But I will stay with dogs Smile
(01-09-2011, 09:47 PM)Fossil Wrote: [ -> ]In my opinion you can much more fun with a dog, you can even swim with them but that's my opinion Smile
I love dogs and cats<3 But I will stay with dogs Smile
If you're more of an indoor person you'd probably prefer cats.

I like cats, but they're disobedient. You can teach a dog not to go outside but as soon as a cat sees that door open and you're not looking it's gone.

Idk. I like bothhh
I like dogs because they can actually do things. Cats are always walking around.
Cats, cleaner, smarter, and can actually do things themselves. Unlike most house-trained dogs that depend on their owner for everything :|
Absolutely no competition, dogs win hands down.

A dog is an actual pet, whereas a cat is just like a temporary guest, who comes in and out as it pleases, then eventually gets run over by a car, losing a body part whether it be a leg, tail, head, whatever...

I prefer dogs. Dogs love us. Cats think they are gods/goddesses and we their servants, they are arrogant. I love dogs cause they actually care and are supporting us on rough times. They have the sense to feel peoples energy and judge them by that, read it somewhere. My sister has an Alaskan Malamut and an Akita, male and female. They are lovely!
I would personally love to have a dog. Although I do like cats.

As stated above for all the reasons I have to agree I just rather go with dogs. Thumbsup
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