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Is it difficult to join CPALead?
I've made around £150 since January 1st just buying & selling on eBay.

Really easy money, and the only effort needed is walking to the post office every now and then.

Which isn't really a lot of effort. If you post a few packages at the same time, and buy whatever parcels & stuff that you need while you're there, you may only need to go around once a week, depending on how much you sell obviously.
(01-15-2011, 02:56 PM)Fragma Wrote: [ -> ]I've made around £150 since January 1st just buying & selling on eBay.

Really easy money, and the only effort needed is walking to the post office every now and then.

Which isn't really a lot of effort. If you post a few packages at the same time, and buy whatever parcels & stuff that you need while you're there, you may only need to go around once a week, depending on how much you sell obviously.

Did you buy junks and resell junks?

(01-15-2011, 03:09 PM)Hollow™ Wrote: [ -> ]Did you buy junks and resell junks?

I bought good quality items, and then resold good quality items.

I also sold a load of stuff that I found doing nothing around my house.
(01-15-2011, 03:11 PM)Fragma Wrote: [ -> ]I bought good quality items, and then resold good quality items.

I also sold a load of stuff that I found doing nothing around my house.

That's why I've been doing lately; selling stuff that's laying around the house. What exactly do you buy and sell on eBay?
Make a facebook account, get 5000 friends to it (Max limit is 5000) by pretending to be a girl, make traffic to your fanpage and sell your product by making a facebook announcement to like your fanpage and tell them to buy it (your produce, such as losing weight e-book) for $30 for book. That'll make you hell of a money in no-time, but the preparations for this method takes around 2 to 5 weeks depending on how hard you are willing to work for it.
(01-15-2011, 03:51 PM)J4mmy Wrote: [ -> ]Make a facebook account, get 5000 friends to it (Max limit is 5000) by pretending to be a girl, make traffic to your fanpage and sell your product by making a facebook announcement to like your fanpage and tell them to buy it (your produce, such as losing weight e-book) for $30 for book. That'll make you hell of a money in no-time, but the preparations for this method takes around 2 to 5 weeks depending on how hard you are willing to work for it.

How do you go about adding 5K friends? Manually?
(01-15-2011, 04:01 PM)Google. Wrote: [ -> ]How do you go about adding 5K friends? Manually?

Depending your willingness to work for the money, yeah. Manually, or you could also make updates to your profile such as, "I need friends, so tell your friends to add me!" when you have added some random guys (crucial part here is adding guys first as you are pretending to be a girl, so you will get more friends with guys than girls).
Is there any methods of mass adding friends on Facebook?
(01-15-2011, 04:51 PM)Google. Wrote: [ -> ]Is there any methods of mass adding friends on Facebook?

Use this way for a start:
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