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Full Version: Suggestion: User Groups
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I was just wondering If the current User Groups get access to a special forum, I know the HJT Team has a public forum. However, I'm thinking of the "Geek Squad" and "Emotional Support".

Thanks for reading!

- Lava.
What could geek squad and emotional support possibly discuss they cannot do publicly? HJT needs a section for many reasons.

I agree with the second suggestion, though.
(01-04-2011, 09:23 PM)Laugh Wrote: [ -> ]What could geek squad and emotional support possibly discuss they cannot do publicly? HJT needs a section for many reasons.

I agree with the second suggestion, though.

Well, they could organize "classes" and such, or roll calls, ect. Also, If they have a Question or Concern they wish to discuss with everybody else.
I lead the Emotional Helpers group and I suggested this just after we were officially added, I was told that private group forums are being considered but I don't think Omniscient has a decision on how far he wants Support Forums to progress forward with groups yet, as you can see other groups qualify for becoming official but have not been added.

However I would wait for a response from him but this is the impression I am getting regarding this matter.
There is a reason why it is public, and this case has been discussed between Omniscient and I before. I ask that you do not make suggestions for the HJT Squad without my, or any of the other leaders' consent. Please PM me next time before creating a public thread, else I would have to remove you off the Squad. Thank you.
(01-05-2011, 04:56 AM)Quintus Wrote: [ -> ]There is a reason why it is public, and this case has been discussed between Omniscient and I before. I ask that you do not make suggestions for the HJT Squad without my, or any of the other leaders' consent. Please PM me next time before creating a public thread, else I would have to remove you off the Squad. Thank you.

Sorry, It wasn't meant to be a suggestion for HJT, I just added that as an "extra". I tried to keep it as "straight forward" as possible.

Since both of my suggestion seem to have been discussed with Omni, please close the thread.
I really don't think there is a desired need for it. This forum isn't that big as it is so there isn't much point.
I don't think we need such a thing. Maybe later on
(01-05-2011, 09:26 AM)Hot Chocolate Wrote: [ -> ]I really don't think there is a desired need for it. This forum isn't that big as it is so there isn't much point.

147,644 posts, that's pretty big for me ;)

3,943 members registered.
Do not request threads to be closed.