What site does he have are most of them related to computer of hacking?
or does he have some I don't know gaming forum or something?
I know about Here and HF
Actually, I beleive he owns something like 500 domains. I recall a post on HF listing them all. The Witza site is just his "current" projects as far as im aware

holly crap how can he stay updated with so many domains o.O
Most of them aren't active.
He has a few but I think the best hit is HackForums.
(12-30-2010, 11:45 AM)Thermal™ Wrote: [ -> ]He has a few but I think the best hit is HackForums.
yes it definitely is I think here (support forums) is preety good too but most here are HF members

Reverse Whois: "Jesse Labrocca" owns about 268 other domains
I didnt know Omni owns a Pokemon Board lol