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Pages: 1 2 3
I suggested this awhile back, it got shot down because apparently its supposed to be different than HF and not many people feel the need for it...

Bookmark that page, acquire the button.
It would be very helpful, it wouldn't hurt to have it. I would love it sir...
Would still be a nice feature to have on the forum.
I support this suggestion, I often use this to find replies I've made on threads that are hard to find.
I don't think we really need that at the momment.

Not as much people port on SF. Such as HF.
Maybe eventually I will. Not right now though.
Yeah, I was just thinking about that idea, just before looking at your thread.
(01-09-2011, 03:43 PM)Omniscient Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe eventually I will. Not right now though.

Alright, can this be closed please.
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