MY sister has two dogs. One is 8 years old, another is 2 years old. If the 8 year old is away, then the younger one is depressed and quiet, he loves to play, usually. I'm pretty sure they do, dogs are very, very smart. I'm sure cats do, too.
Actually, I've had this happen to me before when my one cat died, my dog seemed to act weird after it and didn't go near some places where the cat was always in. I think they do realize and try to avoid it.
They are effected for sure, I've heard a lot of stories about the dogs "dying from sadness". I also heard one that had to do with parrots, and the sad parrot passed away a few weeks ago.
If they bonded with the other one then yes, but if you just got the other one like a week ago then no.
I'm sure they do, animals sense a lot of different things. I think they're also one of the first to notice if something is going to happen.
I have always heard they do realize it. If they were close it may sleep a lot and mope around. Don't know for sure, I am not a pet psychiatrist. haha
I have one dog Beagle,named Rocky,he's very nice guy and he knows to listen.
I have 2 german shepherds.
Well most dogs could be mean or scared in general
Yes they know, animals create strong bonds and relationships.