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Close enough.
Thanks for another copy-paste, you really can't think for yourself, can you ? Not even going to read your wall of text, come up with your own ideas then I'll argue.

By the way there's a great thing for PC called... What was it... Ah! Linux, and it too, can do everything mac can.

[Image: macvspcwebcamisbroken.jpg]

Quote:Either way, if all the above is possible mac is cool, other than the fact that it crashes and is way overpriced, and isin't really faster than a windows machine.
Mac has like a 0,01% chance of crashing. And a Mac NEVER FREEZES UP like shitty windows does.

That's half true, it freezes less but if it does, you have to pray it's the first and the last time because usually crashes repeat more and more often after a single crash. I speak from experience by the way.

Quote:About the price, a Mac may cost more, but you'll get the whole deal. You won't have to buy anything else. If you buy a Windows pc, you still have to get a keyboard, mouse, better graphics card, and all the other bullshit because standard windows pc's suck.

Personal computers come with a keyboard, mouse and a graphics card of your choice, although it depends on whether you build your own pc or buy a ready to go pc from a manufacturer. Why are you talking about keyboards anyways, desktop mac doesn't even come with one according to unless you buy it separately.
What color is your mac laptop (if you even have one) by the way? Let me take a wild guess... White ?

Kind of offtopic, but uses unix to run their site. I wonder why.
Too pricey for me, I like my Windows 7, and LINUX of course.
Wow, so what your saying is I can't take info I've collected from all the other people who would think your an idiot and use it against you? Godamn you are stupid. Also, you won't read all that because you know it would render your stupid "argument" useless.

One more thing, what made you think I even have a laptop? More proof that all you do is jump to conclusions.
(10-16-2009, 03:40 PM)Shinkirou Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, so what your saying is I can't take info I've collected from all the other people who would think your an idiot and use it against you? Godamn you are stupid. Also, you won't read all that because you know it would render your stupid "argument" useless.

Did you read what you copy-pasted by the way? I just looked over it and all it is, is a few reasons for why WINDOWS OS (not PC) is better followed by one line rebuttals going along 'no its not LOLOL! macs rule!'
If it's you who added those 'rebuttals', then they aren't... really... working. No, not working at all.
Ugh wow, I can tell you didn't read bullshit. Yes of course I read it dumbass, it was my thread. Your just to fuckin pathetic to admit when your wrong.
(10-16-2009, 03:40 PM)Shinkirou Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, so what your saying is I can't take info I've collected from all the other people who would think your an idiot and use it against you? Godamn you are stupid. Also, you won't read all that because you know it would render your stupid "argument" useless.

One more thing, what made you think I even have a laptop? More proof that all you do is jump to conclusions.

I didn't jump to a conclusion, I asked if you have one, since no fanboys collection isn't complete unless they own a mac laptop. You should ask your mommy and daddy to buy you one for Christmas.
(10-16-2009, 03:53 PM)Shinkirou Wrote: [ -> ]Ugh wow, I can tell you didn't read bullshit. Yes of course I read it dumbass, it was my thread. Your just to fuckin pathetic to admit when your wrong.

Your thread? Those windows arguments are straight from a website, and 'rebuttals' are complete garbage. (like I said, they go along 'no it's not lololol you can do it on a mac too !')
By the way, it's you're wrong, not your wrong.

Can you explain why uses unix by the way? Apache web server is available on a mac too.
Whats wrong with that? Just because mac isn't good for a server doesn't mean anything. And yeah I did get that from a website,, though if you sign up to see I'll guarantee I will get you banned. I don't need anymore crap from you then I already have to put up with. By the way my mom is dead jerkoff, there you go again, jumping to conclusions.
(10-16-2009, 04:07 PM)Shinkirou Wrote: [ -> ]Whats wrong with that? Just because mac isn't good for a server doesn't mean anything. And yeah I did get that from a website,, though if you sign up to see I'll guarantee I will get you banned. I don't need anymore crap from you then I already have to put up with. By the way my mom is dead jerkoff, there you go again, jumping to conclusions.

I will never visit a fable site, why would I go to that? I got it from a mac blog, which appears to be the original source of it too.
You should change "Just because mac isn't good for a server doesn't mean anything." to "Just because mac isn't good for anything doesn't mean anything.", that would be more correct.
About your mom, I don't care, if it was your plan to get an apology from me, it's not going to happen, plus you shouldn't have mentioned it to begin with since it has nothing to do with macs or computers in general.
Go cheaper, save some bucks and buy some accessories!
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