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Guess how much is there. Its in £.
A grand or 2, not much to get excited about, depending on your age and how you got it of course, that's about a weeks pay for me (electrician).
2 Grand. However, I am a lifeguard at the age of 17. Its my job apart from my on-line businesses.
(12-26-2010, 10:48 AM)Ditz Wrote: [ -> ]2 Grand. However, I am a lifeguard at the age of 17. Its my job apart from my on-line businesses.

Nothing to complain about then, since you're under 18.
Thats quite a load of cash you have there.

I had only 1.2 grand in the picture on HF
hey money is money congrats with your monetizing bro!
I was looking at a job as a lifegaurd at my local pool, and they only get paid minimum wage?

I get about $15 a hour from lifeguarding, including danger pay. In a private pool.