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Full Version: Saw an extremely hot girl today - need advise
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You're going to make her uncomfortable. By sending a message like that, you're only thinking about how you come off as to the girl and not about how awkward it'll be for her to answer back to that message. Relationships don't build themselves up on lust. Most work around personality traits and what people have in common. Have you ever met a girl and wondered, wow, we really hit it off! I can talk to this girl about anything! That's how you to know you like someone. Not by sending them a damn love letter like you did. The poor girl is going to be shell-shocked.

Send her another message telling her you saw her at mass and would like to go out sometime. Nothing more to it. There was no need to confess you're un-dieing love for this girl you don't even know. Don't be so gullible or you'll get heartbroken so easily in life.
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