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Full Version: Saw an extremely hot girl today - need advise
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First off I'd like to say Merry Christmas to you support forums and a happy new year.
Here's my situation:

I saw this extremely hot chick today. I didn't get a chance to meet her as we were at church and she left right after the mass ended. However, me and my friend were staring at her hard out and I discovered she goes to my school (I've never met her as she's in the year/grade below me but my friend who I was with is in her year). Seeing as how she goes to my school I managed to find her facebook account and my friend is going to try and get me her number.
Now I've had a crush on other girls before and always been to pussy to do anything about it. I want to change that (1.) Because this girl was 20x as hot as ANY girl I have seen in my life. (2.) It's not fun daydreaming about a girl instead of hanging out with her Tongue.

Seeing as I don't know where she lives or anything like that I thought I'd try to win her over by sending her a message like this on facebook:

"Hey *******,
I realize you don't know me so believe me when I say it's taking me a lot of courage to say this to you, but I think you deserve to hear this.
I attended midnight mass on christmas at ******, and happened to see you there. You blew my mind. I promise you without a doubt that you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. I honestly thought you were an angel for the first few seconds of my seeing you, before I snapped back to earth.
I don't know why I'm telling you this, I just had a wierd feeling I should.
Thanks for reading.
Happy new year,

After I send my message my plan is just to wait for her to reply, and move on if she doesn't.
What do you guys think? Is my message to aggressive, wierd, scary?

BTW if you guys are wondering I'm turning 17 next month, and this girl turned 16 in auqust; but I'm a lot more mature when it comes to relationships than most people. I don't give a crap about sex, I just want a girl with a great personality, but like all men I am attracted to beauty.

Thanks for reading,
Merry Christmas again Smile
Oh btw the reason I need to do this instead of just approaching her at school is because we are on holiday here and don't get back to school till february, so I won't see her till then.
I think you're putting too much on looks here, to be honest. She could be a total bitch and the exact opposite of what you want from a relationship.
I also think that message might be too much to tell her right away and you might scare her off. I think I'd start slow and just say something like, 'Hi!, we go to school together and we've never met but I think it'd be fun if we talked a bit." Something like that, and not as in your face as your message.
Woah, woah, woah. Do NOT send that message. Are you high? Never...type like that. And never add a girl on facebook/send a message before she knows you exist. You come off as a big creep. I saw a hot girl at church who looked 2 years old than me, too. I didn't go stalking her. During sign of the peace I asked for a hug and when I left early I said bye cutie. That doesn't mean I want anything past that.

I think it's too late now, but personally I would just hope to find her in the halls and say 'hey, were you at the midnight mass? cool me too' and take the next steps.

Just saw your winter break edit. You still need to wait, sorry. You will look like a creep.
(12-24-2010, 10:02 PM)jman227 Wrote: [ -> ]"Hey *******,
I realize you don't know me so believe me when I say it's taking me a lot of courage to say this to you, but I think you deserve to hear this.
I attended midnight mass on christmas at ******, and happened to see you there. You blew my mind. I promise you without a doubt that you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. I honestly thought you were an angel for the first few seconds of my seeing you, before I snapped back to earth.
I don't know why I'm telling you this, I just had a wierd feeling I should.
Thanks for reading.
Happy new year,

Woah buddy! Hold your horses there. Send that message and you're at her mercy. First off I think you should get her number, not your friend. Grow some balls find her at school and say
" hey my name's _____ I think I saw you at church the other day, do you go to _______."
Then she'll say something like "Oh hey ______ yeah I go to that church!"
Then you could say something like "Sweet you go to church often or just special occasions?"

Just relate to her about church for that conversation only. It's simply an icebreaker. Get her number and everything in that convo. Unless you want to wait till later and have something else to bring up.

Also if she is 20x hotter than most girls you've seen you should be cautious. Girls who are hot and know they are hot like that tend to be on the iffy side.
Are you serious? If you think that being "hot" is a reason to go after a girl, then you are badly misinformed, looks are not everything. Although they do count for something, you shouldn't just look at her body and say, "ooh I want that", you should get to know her. You may find out that you in fact don't like her at all. You should go up to her and ask her for her number or first talk to her for a week or so, then eventually ask her on a date, and show her a good time, if you find that you like her then continue to do what you're doing and ask her out. Please don't do this just for the sex, you have no idea how many times people have done something stupid with a girl they just met and thought they loved and ended up getting an STD or a baby to take care of. Just be careful and don't do something stupid unless you know what the consequences are and you're willing to take them. If you find that you have dated her for a while (about a year or so), then take the relationship to the next level. But don't do any of this if your mind is just on the sex aspect of the relationship. You will eventually regret it.
Your taking this WAY to seriously, you must first naturally analyze the specimens before taking verbal actions.

I see many hot girls but I don't Omega try hard mode on them. xD
You base your relationships off of looks?
yeah just because so goes to church doesent mean she well be nice, and don't ask your friend to get here number.
You need to approach her for her number and express that message in person.
I think you went rushing as though you are lusting to have her. If she goes to your school, why don't you try to talking to her at school by asking if she went to this church and saw a girl who looks just like her. Start a convo and get to know each other then ask for her number. After her number, ask her if she has a FB then add her if she gives it to you.

By rushing she thinks your desperate or a creepo. Or you can request her on FB then start a real convo not by sending those kinds of msg. Then get to meet her at school and get to know her better.
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