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I just applied for a course? And i got it Smile
Anyway, good luck!
And i hope you get in more Big Grin
Bumpin this, since I got accepted to my top choice: Drexel University
Now all I need is a shitload of free money so I can go Tongue
Out of curiosity, what are you planning to major in?
(01-30-2011, 11:16 PM)Deltron Wrote: [ -> ]Out of curiosity, what are you planning to major in?

Just posted this on your thread Tongue

If I go to Drexel it will be Information Technology. If I go to Wentworth it'll be Computer Networking. If I go somewhere else it'll be some other program along the same lines.
I need to apply but good job on getting accepted into 5 schools!
Thanks, good luck
I am probably a bit late, however congrats on your acceptances Smile
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