Like the others have said, you might have broke her Hymen or she was just on her period, nothing really.
How old are you buddy?
(12-25-2010, 01:08 AM)Dexdrex007 Wrote: [ -> ]YEAHH! Use your dick not your fingers.
OMFG, I laughed really hard right when I read that
Not necessarily a period, if it's the first time she's done something like this it could be her hymen. Why don't you ask her?
(12-25-2010, 02:31 AM)Money Maker* Wrote: [ -> ]Some of the following could have happened ,
* She was on her period
* She was a virgin
* You need to use your dick instead of Fingers
* Her vagina didnt like the site of your gross unwashed fingertips.
Anyways, stop trolling.
Yeah, mate If this is a troll just leave now.
But if it's true.
See if she had pain when it happened or if it was her period.
Was she a virgin at first? If so, you probably broke her hymen. Hence, blood flows.
It can also be she is on her period.