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Full Version: [Need] Any runescape account
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Yeah, with new accounts you have to use an EMAIL to login (That you used to sign up with), and this is really annoying me.

Does anyone have an old account - Any stats/name - That I could have? I would actually prefer a level 3, just so people dont say I'm asking for free stuff Omg

Thanks anywho~Victoire
I have a lvl 20 or so, with 30 strenght and 20 attack that you can buy for 5$ <3 LOL Big Grin
(12-23-2010, 09:47 AM)1337Inj3ct0r Wrote: [ -> ]I have a lvl 20 or so, with 30 strenght and 20 attack that you can buy for 5$ <3 LOL Big Grin

Funny guy RoflmaoOmg
(12-23-2010, 09:48 AM)SehCure Wrote: [ -> ]Funny guy RoflmaoOmg

Lol luvs u frum HF Yeye
(12-23-2010, 09:49 AM)1337Inj3ct0r Wrote: [ -> ]Lol luvs u frum HF Yeye

I thought I recognised you:] Heyaaa!

You could always PM me that account. For free? WhistleOui
(12-23-2010, 09:51 AM)SehCure Wrote: [ -> ]I thought I recognised you:] Heyaaa!

You could always PM me that account. For free? WhistleOui

I don't play at all anyway.
(12-23-2010, 10:10 AM)1337Inj3ct0r Wrote: [ -> ]Sure...
I don't play at all anyway.

Thanks man <3
