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Full Version: Big ol eyes, check it out!
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Kind of cute. but eyes are WAY to big!
.... Okay, again, lol. There is a MAGNIFYING GLASS to their eyes.
I find all dogs are cute, and the magnify glass really fooled me. I actually thought his eyes were that big =3
Aww, makes them cuter when they make Dog eyes! <3
I dont like that breed of dog, magnifying glass or not. They look odd. Like runts..
I see the glass now!~~
(12-23-2010, 10:06 AM)FamousMassacre Wrote: [ -> ]I see the glass now!~~

What glass?
I haven't noticed any glass lol?
Well that is really cute!
And obv magnifier is obv.
I see the circular shape of the magnifying glass in the first picture, but I dont in the second picture. Are they small dogs?
Oh wow! I didnt notice the magnifying glass at first.
Pages: 1 2 3 4