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Full Version: Blue ray movies not playing sound
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My moive I download which which was mkv bluray, play's fine on my laptop sound works and everything.

But when i transfer it onto my hardrive and plug my hardrive into my tv, play the movie, looks perfect except no sound, lol wtf?

How can I get the sound to work on my tv for this movie, the sound only doesn't work for mkv movies. Ohmy
"don't know much about Blue Ray movies, google it..."
(12-21-2010, 10:41 PM)3archeryy Wrote: [ -> ]"don't know much about Blue Ray movies, google it..."

Google your mums giant dick.

Don't post if you can't help.
(12-21-2010, 10:51 PM)ψ ḞḸḀMḮNḠ †Ɽ□ỈỈ ψ Wrote: [ -> ]Google your mums giant dick.

Don't post if you can't help.
No need to be rude like that, And FYI he is trying to help incase you didn't notice. Sleep
Maybe the speakers weren't plugged at the right outputs?
(02-02-2011, 04:36 AM)Mao Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe the speakers weren't plugged at the right outputs?

i think so. you should check if the right av is correctly plugged in their outputs.
Well the first thing I would do is check if it works with a normal blueray disk.
Do that then reply. Smile