Ok, so there is this local guy, a few years older than me. He is making money by making and maintaining websites for clients.
I am fairly smart and could easily do this providing I knew how. What software would I need to use to develop websites and who and where would I register my domain. How do I become a webhost?
Cheers for your support guys
To become a webhost I would learn a lot more before attempting such a task. Most webhosts flop, anyone and everyone can webhost really so it's flooded with tons of people like you and me trying to make a quick buck out of webhosting.
yeh I guess so but I am in the process of leanring html but whats the point in HTML when we based compainies like freewebs can make better looking websites much eeasier
(12-19-2010, 10:43 AM)JamieMiller Wrote: [ -> ]yeh I guess so but I am in the process of leanring html but whats the point in HTML when we based compainies like freewebs can make better looking websites much eeasier
Well, any serious client would pay for a professional service than go to a free one, if of course the prices are good and the hosting is reliable.
what would be an example of a realiable webhost
cheers, I will be using them in the near future :-)