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Hey guys,
I'm taking webdesign classes at my high school and at every classes, our teacher give us a sheet with explanation of each Javascript strings.
I was thinking about translating them for you, because I speak french, and then give you.

I posted this to have your opinions, if I get more yea then no I will start posting some!

And please don't tell me:
''We can go to''

I know already but if you want someone to assist you, I'll be here!

I think you should use them to write tutorials.
Would be nice to see more about JavaScript
NO.I am fully trained
Ok 1 no and 1 yea, good good. xD
I think it is great you are offering that service. I think it will be a great addition. I say: "Aye" .
Ok nice.
2: Yea 1:No