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1. Working
2. Looking for an apprenticeship
3. Girlfriend (A lot of time and money)
4. Hackforums
5. Sleeping
6. Family

Pretty much my life in a nutshell These are not in order of importance.
I'm usually with friends, and on HF. Although I never leave my iPod behind as i live on music.
I code on the computer, spend time with my girlfriend, play games, and play guitar.
I forgot to mention that I love to snowboard and have a seasons pass to more the. 1 of my local mountains including whistler
I was very athletic when I was a teenager, but I quit a few hobbies.
I used to skateboard, box, and cross country running.
I was very good at skateboarding to the point where I had a sponsor.
They were not a very big company at the time but they were a sponsor.
Anyways now I love to go rock climbing, snowboarding, and sky diving.
A little bit more extreme than my younger days Thumbsup .
I use to roller-blade all the time. This last summer I biked. Went all over, everyday.
I work out, I train muay thai <3
I love it.
I would actually say I dont have a proper hobby?
Is that bad? :\
1. Spending time with my family/loved ones.
2. Internets.
3. Planting my own fruit & veg.
4. Loud Music.
5. Crocheting (although this is very old womanish lol)

Far too many hobbies & interests to list.
I mostly watch Anime and play games. I study up on cardiovascular things.
I want to be a cardiovascular surgeon when I get older.
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