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Pages: 1 2 3
U know, U should go back to school, cause u misspelled school to begin with

[Image: LOL_I_TROLL_U.png]

hihi Tongue Honestly don't take it all for granted !
I just get myself on the computer and chill to music
(01-06-2011, 09:05 AM)Raain Wrote: [ -> ]U know, U should go back to school, cause u misspelled school to begin with

[Image: LOL_I_TROLL_U.png]

hihi Tongue Honestly don't take it all for granted !

Hehehe, hoo hoo, ha ha.
Be active on SF, eat, text, tv, go for a walk.
I get on this beautiful website to learn.
Pages: 1 2 3