What's the absolute, hands down, worst game you have ever played?
Judge by plot, dialouge, and all around work on it.
It can be anything from an RPG to an FPS. If you post an online game from like addicting games or miniclip, please include a link.
I dont even remember what it was called it was so bad.
I'm not sure to be honest, probably Zelda tho.
Bad games last just seconds. Hard to remember all the bad ones I have played.
A top choice though...ShaqFu on the Sega Genesis. OMG that was just a bad idea from the start.
Duck Hunt (the dog in this game is so annoying!)
I quite liked Duck hunt, it's better than some of the kids games today to be honest.
FUEL, The game starts really good since it's open world, you have a lot of fictional vehicles at your disposal and you can just drop by helicopter to any spot unlocked, then after a while (a while=2 hours) it gets repetitive, you just keep riding, and riding and riding and riding in the middle of nowhere. o_o My girl was watching from behind me then asked "What's the point?", And I said, "You're right, let's just go out and see a movie"... @_@
Call of Duty 5 Online. The singleplayer was awesome, but multiplayer sucked bad. Ruined the game for me.