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I feel like crap, i'm all bunged up and keep coughing. I drank 2 pints of water about 10 mins ago and my mouth is already dry. I've been sleeping for the past 5 hours. The time for me is 19:46, so I can see me waking up in the middle of the night, feeling even worse. Ive had about 6 paracetamol's in the last 10 hours, hasn't made me feel any better Sad

Any solutions/remedies you guys might know?

Thanks in advance,

Edit: It's too late to go and see a doctor, and I don't think it's open tomorrow.
My best advice is to keep yourself hydrated and bed rest until you're able to see a doctor.
Try searching some of your symptoms in google as well.
Go to the doctor or maybe take 3 tylenols or maybe a robitufol that would help for coughing.
bed rest,or if this behavior doesn't heist i would go to the emergency room.