So I wanna learn some coding but first I wanna know what the main coding languages are usually used for so I can actually do something with them. Thanks in advance!
Try Python, its a general purpose programming language. So you can do pretty much anything....G4143
Thanks. I will look into it. I also wanna hear some more feedback from other users so I will most likely try a few or something or go with the one most people suggest.
It all depends on what you intend to achieve. As G4143 suggested, Python is a pretty much all-around language. If you plan of working with web interfaces, PHP is the way to go. C/C++ are also pretty much capable of everything you throw at them, C++ gives you more advanced features, but C is good to start off with.
C/C++ - Games and anything performance critical
Thanks for the help! I am gonna start C++ this weekend I think. I really don't have enough time atm.
C++ is a great choice.
I learned it and i will never regret it
Start off with something simple. It's always a mistake to jump right into a big coding language with no prior knowledge of coding at all. Doing this will most likely result in frustration and you will most likely give up. Then again some people don't but still take it into consideration and good luck.
If you like websites. And if your a noob, then just learn HTML until you understand it. Then move on, im currently learning C/#/++. So far i havnt regreted it.
i recommend c++, it will help you before going on to java programming..
(10-22-2009, 04:59 AM)losdhfu Wrote: [ -> ]If you like websites. And if your a noob, then just learn HTML until you understand it. Then move on, im currently learning C/#/++. So far i havnt regreted it.
yes.. for new ones.. html should be first..
(10-13-2009, 06:24 PM)Alowishus Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the help! I am gonna start C++ this weekend I think. I really don't have enough time atm.
use tutorials... and dont skipp any problems...