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I've noticed that xbox live talk is a lot different from normal talk. There are a lot of phrases people say that they normally wouldn't say.

Here are a few:
"I run XbL YuH DiGGGG?"
"Drop your nuts kid"
"Ya wanna go offline?"
"Cool Story bro"
"Get crap on"
"Brigadiers suck"
"My friend works for microsoft."
"Did you hack your gamerscore?"
"I have to poop."
"Wow eat bullets!"
"Oh My God!"
"What a warrior!"
"Nice hardscope!"
"freakin camper!"
"Nuff Said''
"Suck my Dick!"
"I'm Done"
"You freakin suck at life kid"
"Imma BoSS!"
"Point Check"
"Your Bad Kid"
"Get off my nuts"
"Sidewayz Shootin is so bad!"
"I RuN KiDz WiTH My UNiX"
"Your Mom"
"Juggernaut is for pussies"
"SwaT is so easy"
"You suck at life"
"Go outside"
"Get Laid"
"Get good."
"*fart noise*"
"I run XbL"
"You're garbage"
"Get raped"
"freakin noobs"
"I'm jacking your account jerk"

All those are funny crap I hear people say on xbox sooo much. There are probably a lot more, I just cant think of them right now.

What do you guys think?

What are the most used lines on Xbox Live?
I find myself guilty of "Xbox live slang" on my cases.
My favorite line is "i just shat on your chest"
"Get crap on"
"get worked"
Sometimes ill just throw in some mom jokes to act Immature,they take the bate and say something like "my mom is dead" and then you can say : "Ohhhh that's why she wasn't moving last night" Or "I thought those cob webs where supose to be there.
IF all else fails i use this line
hey man did you know joe and i were wrestling last night? "joe who?" joe mama!.
Those are my tips on how to verbally rape someone.
I think I just peed
I like that you just peed Smile

That's cute.
Abusive things you hear in a GB match:

Sh*t kid
Sh*t c*nt
(11-28-2010, 05:05 AM)Win Wrote: [ -> ]Abusive things you hear in a GB match:

Sh*t kid
Sh*t c*nt

LOL,in gb im quite respected rocking the name oTRUExDDOSERo
people are usually quiet ^.^
"You ain't Grizz baby sit down"

That one has to be my favorite!
(11-28-2010, 10:33 AM)Killuminati Wrote: [ -> ]LOL,in gb im quite respected rocking the name oTRUExDDOSERo
people are usually quiet ^.^
To be honest. I talk more crap to the respected kids. I don't like them at all. Stuck up fags.
(11-28-2010, 10:33 AM)Killuminati Wrote: [ -> ]LOL,in gb im quite respected rocking the name oTRUExDDOSERo
people are usually quiet ^.^

Of course people are really scared of you.
(11-28-2010, 11:27 AM)Win Wrote: [ -> ]Of course people are really scared of you.

If I get a 360 no scope game winning kill on Search and Destroy, I generally say " You mutha fuckin bitch ass just gott Whale slammed hahahhahah fudge yo mom!"
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