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Call the cops, or get someone else to do it (your parents, her parents, etc).
Call the cops of course!

What should ya do?
Dude. Seriously, that sucks. Tell her to stay calm, and don't think about it. Tell her not to hang out with him anymore. Tell her to have her parents call up the boy's parents. If she refuses, it's in your hands. You can call his parents. Decide from there.
If you are too scared to call the police (A lot of young people are surprisingly) at least let her parents know. They can take care of it all.
Rape is always a problem, I would call her parents, then have them call the cops.
tell the kids parents...
have the parents whoop the kids ass
then you whoop his ass..
Wait, wait, wait. So you guys are 13 and are getting drunk and high? What the fudge is wrong with this world. For real. On top of that having sex?

Get her to call the cops and go kick that kid's ass.
tell her parents
tell your parents
call the cops
Most definitely call the authorities, and notify the parents. He will probably get his ass kicked.

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